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Are you Struggling to keep your New Year's resolutions ?

· Mind

Do you always struggle to keep your New Year's resolutions??


Do you have to drag yourself to work every Monday?


Do you not feel any enthusiasm and zeal towards life?

If “YES” than you MUST… MUST… MUST… answer these 3 Questions and believe me, you won’t remain the same... If you want to be happy but not sure… how? These 3 questions will clarify your mind .

1. What do you want to experience?
2. How do you want to grow?
3. How do you want to contribute?

Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of MindValley, did an awesome job by introducing these life changing questions. These 3 Questions will make you wonder how you can move forward and work towards a brighter future.

How to do it ?
You can either just visualize these or write it down…
You need 90 seconds for each question and a quiet place…

Making list of experiences you want in life will clarify what you want to achieve. It can be experiencing best vacation or experiencing best relationship. When you know exactly what you want its first step in right direction. This exercise helped me manifest my subconscious thoughts making it real and doable.

Growth is in-evitable “We are more fulfilled when we grow “. So plan your growth. It can be growing spiritually or emotionally or physically.

Verbatim by Vishen ….
“No matter how shitty your life might be when you think about giving back….for some inexplicable reason, Life seems to give you more and it tends to be one of surest pass to happiness…” so true…
Giving creates an inner joy and peace, which cannot be described in words. Giving can be in the form of money, time or knowledge.

My personal favorite part of the whole video is how the questions require the viewer to reflect and imagine how they can inspire themselves to be their very best. When you have answered these questions, you have set goals for life.

You know what experiences you want, how you wish to grow and how you can contribute. Everyday you wake up with new passion and zeal . I have tried it and it had always given me huge motivation.

I urge you to try it and let me know how it worked for you.

Watch this 13 minutes video of Vishen Lakhiani,